¿A quién le importa bajar los costos?
Singer, M., 1996. Revista Administración y Economía UC.
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- Modelo de Gestión en un Packing
- Costos Estratégicos
- ¿Transporte Ferroviario o Rodoviario?
- Mejorando el Mix de Venta
- Mejoramiento Logístico
- Tarifas Justas en el Transporte… Mejor Servicio
- Analizando nuevas formas de distribución
- Diseño de un Sistema de Tarificación de Transporte
- Proceso de Acarreo
- Logística Comercial
Publicaciones Relacionadas Ver todas
- Upstream or downstream in the value chain?
- Internal supply chain management in the Chilean sawmill industry
- Decomposition methods for large job shops
- A shifting bottleneck heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness in a job shop
- Computational study of branch and bound techniques for minimizing the total weighted tardiness in job shops
- Contracting Contractors
- Who wants to break the hockey-stick sales pattern in the supply chain?
- Strategic decision-making at a steel manufacturer assisted by linear programming
- Optimal planning of a multi-station system with sojourn time constraints
- Quality strategies in supply chain alliances of disposable items
- Semi-autonomous planning using linear programming in the Chilean general treasury
- Forecasting policies for scheduling a stochastic due date job shop
- An architecture for solving sequencing and resource allocation problems using approximation methods
- The effect of vertical integration in the quality of disposable products
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- La ‘fiebre del oro’ de la logística
- John Nash y la gestión de operaciones pragmática
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- Una Práctica Teoría de la Optimización Lineal