Configuración de flota sujeta a demanda aleatoria

Configuración de flota sujeta a demanda aleatoria

Donoso, P., Singer, M., Jara, S., Traverso, P., 2001. Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas 15 pp. 31-47.

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Propuesta de Sistema Público-Privado para...

Propuesta de Sistema Público-Privado para la Intermediación Laboral

Singer, M., Gómez C., 2006. Camino al Bicentenario, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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Quality strategies in supply chain allianc...

Quality strategies in supply chain alliances of disposable items

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Traverso, P., 2003. Omega 31 pp. 499-509.

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Focalización del Rol del Estado en la Capacita...

Focalización del Rol del Estado en la Capacitación

Singer, M., Guzmán, R. (2010). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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Forecasting policies for scheduling a stoc...

Forecasting policies for scheduling a stochastic due date job shop

Singer, M., 2000. International Journal of Production Research 38, 3623-3637.

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Evaluación de las oportunidades de mejora...

Evaluación de las oportunidades de mejoramiento de la logística directa de emergencia

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Jadue, N., 2004. Abante 7 pp. 179-209.

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Technology-supported face-to-face small gr...

Technology-supported face-to-face small group collaborative formative assessment and its integration in the classroom

Nussbaum, M., Gomez, F., Mena, J., Imbarack, P., Torres, A., Singer, M., Mora, M.E. 2010. From Genes to Context. Springer-Verlag, Berlin pp. 295-325.

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A performance agreement to align the operation of a loadi...

A performance agreement to align the operation of a loading dock and a fleet

Donoso, P., Singer, M., Scheller-Wolf, A., 1998. Abante 1, 167-188.

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Transportation Issues for deciding when to...

Transportation Issues for deciding when to diploid a new distribution center

Singer, M., Donoso, P., 2000. Abante 3 pp. 227-247.

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Empirical validation of an ...

Empirical validation of an activity-based optimization system

Singer, M., Donoso, P. 2008. International Journal of Production Economics 113, 335-345.

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Un caso de empoderamiento e...

Un caso de empoderamiento en la industria química

Singer, M., Donoso, P., 2005. Abante 8 pp. 3-24.

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Evaluación de los beneficios potenciales ...

Evaluación de los beneficios potenciales de la resolución de conflictos operacionales entre despachadores y transportistas terrestres

Donoso, P., Singer, M., 2004. Abante 7 pp. 35-65.

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Un Ambiente de Modelación ...

Un Ambiente de Modelación para Problemas de Planificación

Nussbaum, M., Singer, M., Sepúlveda, M., 1993. Revista de Apuntes de Ingeniería 47, 55-81.

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Contracting Contractors

Contracting Contractors

Singer, M., Donoso, P. Journal of Business Research.

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Decision support system for...

Decision support system for conflict diagnosis for personnel selection

Nussbaum, N., Singer, M., Rosas, R., Castillo, M., Flies, E., Lara, R., Sommers, R., 1999. Information and Management 36, 55-62.

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Computational study of bran...

Computational study of branch and bound techniques for minimizing the total weighted tardiness in job shops

Singer, M., Pinedo M., 1998. IIE Transactions 29, 109-119.

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Assessing an ambulance serv...

Assessing an ambulance service with queuing theory

Singer, M., Donoso, P., 2008. Computers and Operations Research 35, 2549-2560.

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Internal supply chain manag...

Internal supply chain management in the Chilean sawmill industry

Singer, M., Donoso, P., 2007. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 27, 524-541.

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Decomposition methods for l...

Decomposition methods for large job shops

Singer, M., 2001. Computers and Operations Research 28, 193-207.

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Optimal planning of a multi-station system with sojourn t...

Optimal planning of a multi-station system with sojourn time constraints

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Noguer J.L., 2005. Annals of Operations Research 138 pp. 203 – 222.

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A shifting bottleneck heuristic for m...

A shifting bottleneck heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness in a job shop

Pinedo M., Singer, M., 1999. Naval Research and Logistics 46, 1-17.

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Who wants to break the hock...

Who wants to break the hockey-stick sales pattern in the supply chain?

Singer, M., Donoso, D., Konstantinidis, G. 2009. Annals of Operations Research 169, 131-147.

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The effect of vertical integration in the quality of disp...

The effect of vertical integration in the quality of disposable products

Singer, M., Donoso, P., 2001. Abante 4 pp. 133-155.

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An architecture for solving sequencin...

An architecture for solving sequencing and resource allocation problems using approximation methods

Nussbaum, M., Sepúlveda M., Singer, M., Laval, E., 1998. Journal of the Operational Research Society 49, 52-65.

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Evaluación de la oportunidad de priv...

Evaluación de la oportunidad de privatización del sistema público de intermediación laboral

Singer, M., 2005. Abante 8 pp. 37-58.

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¿Premian las tarifas el desempeño d...

¿Premian las tarifas el desempeño del transportista?

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Widdel, S., 2007. Abante 10 pp. 21-55

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If prevention is better than cure, wh...

If prevention is better than cure, why do firms do the opposite?

Singer, M., Donoso, P. 2009. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 20, 905-919.

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Semi-autonomous planning using linear...

Semi-autonomous planning using linear programming in the Chilean general treasury

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Poblete F., 2002. European Journal of Operations Research 140, 517-529.

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Fleet configuration subject to stocha...

Fleet configuration subject to stochastic demand: An application in the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Jara S., 2002. Journal of the Operational Research Society 53, 961-971.

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A static model for first time group-b...

A static model for first time group-based incentives

Singer, M., Donoso, P., Rodríguez-Sickert, C. 2008. International Journal of Production Economics 115, 492-501.

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Transactional hazards, institutional change, and capabili...

Transactional hazards, institutional change, and capabilities: Integrating the theories of the firm

M Francisco Brahm, M Jorge Tarziján, 2013, Strategic Management Journal

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Strategic decision-making at a steel ...

Strategic decision-making at a steel manufacturer assisted by linear programming

Singer, M., Donoso, P., 2006. Journal of Business Research 59 pp. 387-390.

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The impact of complexity and manageri...

The impact of complexity and managerial diseconomies on hierarchical governance

Francisco Brahm, Jorge Tarziján, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 84, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 586-599.

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Boundary choice interdependency: evid...

Boundary choice interdependency: evidence from the construction industry

Francisco Brahm and Jorge Tarziján, Ind Corp Change first published online November 28, 2012 doi:10.1093/icc/dts038

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